This information webinar on the European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant call for proposals 2024 is organised by the National Contact Points (NCPs) for ERC in Belgium (NCP-FNRS, NCP Flanders and NCP Federal BE) to inform potential applicants and host institutions. It is also aimed at researchers who are considering applying in the future.
The ERC Advanced Grant Call 2024 tentative opening date is 29/05/2024 with a tentative deadline on 29 August 2024. The 2024 ERC Advanced Grant call will be made available on the European Commission Funding and Tender Portal.
The call will be open to established research leaders of any nationality and from any field of research (bottom-up approach), with a recognized track-record of research achievements. There is no minimum or maximum age limit. The amount of the grant is up to € 2.5 million for 5 years (or up to €3.5 million in specific cases). This is a pilot call using lump sum contribution. See Q&A on lump sums.
Participation to this webinar is free but restricted to researchers wishing to apply with a Belgian host institution, or staff members of Belgian host institutions. Registration is mandatory.
Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact one of the organisers:
Mireia Tomàs Giner
NCP Flanders:
Margot Beereboom
NCP Federal BE:
Madeline Simon