Beside its now traditional individual grants, ERC has also a scheme enabling 2 to 4 Principal Investigators to tackle together ambitious research problems: the ERC Synergy Grant.
This ERC webinar is organised by the National Contact Points (NCPs) for ERC in Belgium (NCP Federal BE, NCP-FNRS, NCP Flanders) to help applicants in the preparation of their ERC Synergy Grant proposal.
ERC Synergy Grant call 2022 is not yet open but closure is expected in Autumn 2021 already (tentative closure date: 10/11/2021), meaning that it is high time to start preparing an application. The call will be open to small groups of researchers of any nationality and from any field of research, with a track-record assessed according to the level of their career stage. The applicants should demonstrate that the proposed research cannot be carried out by a single Principal Investigator working alone. One of the Principal Investigators can be located outside Europe. Synergy Grants can be up to a maximum of € 10 million for a period of 6 years. More information on ERC Synergy Grants.
Participation to the session is free but restricted to researchers wishing to apply with a Belgian Host Institution, or staff members of Belgian Host Institutions. PIs who are members of an ERC SyG group including a Belgian Host Institution might also participate, in which case they should mention in the registration form this Belgian Host Institution as Host Institution. Registration is mandatory.
In case you would have any question, please do not hesitate to contact one of the organisers:
NCP Federal BE:
Bram Lefever
NCP Flanders :
Margot Beereboom
Natacha Wittorski