Horizon Europe Proposal Workshop – 3rd edition

After the success of the previous editions, we are pleased to announce the 3rd edition of the “Horizon Europe proposal workshop”, organized by Horizon Europe National Contact Points NCP Federal BE, NCP Flanders, NCP-FNRS and NCP Wallonie.

Participants will be split in smaller groups,  one group for most of the Horizon Europe clusters of pillar 2 – Global challenges and European industrial competitiveness (where one can find the thematic calls of Horizon Europe for collaborative projects). Each group will discuss one proposal submitted under the relevant cluster, that has been evaluated by the European Commission in the past, guided by an experienced evaluator and the NCPs of this field. You will be asked to put yourself in the evaluator’s shoes and by this gain insight on what is important in a proposal.

The discussions will be followed by a networking lunch. After the lunch, we will summarize some tips & tricks to write a good proposal, and you will be able to address all your remaining questions to experienced evaluators and NCPs.

This in-person workshop will take place in Brussels in Herman Teirlinck building (Tours & Taxis area, close to the North station).

Our target audience for this event is limited to researchers and staff members of federal or FWB institutions or organisations located in Flanders or Wallonia, willing to participate to the programme Horizon Europe as beneficiary.

Registering for this workshop is not possible anymore. Registrants will be informed if they can attend the event in the coming days.

For any questions or additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at :

NCP Federal BE
Madeline SIMON

NCP Flanders


NCP Wallonie
Jennifer LECLUSE

Event Details


Click on the button to download the presentation in a .pdf file

  • Registration and coffee
  • Welcome and start of the workshop in breakout rooms
  • Light lunch
  • Tips and tricks to write a proposal, followed by questions & answers to experts
  • End of the event
Event Details