MSCA Doctoral Networks – 2023 proposal training

This training proposal writing on Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) Doctoral Networks (DN) is organised by the National Contact Points (NCPs) for MSCA in Belgium (NCP Federal BENCP-FNRSNCP Flanders) to support potential applicants and host institutions from both the academic and non-academic sectors. It is also aimed at researchers who are considering applying in the future.

Doctoral Networks (DNs) are consortia of at least 3 different entities (e.g. universities, research institutions and research infrastructures, businesses including SMEs, and other socio-economic actors) in different EU Member States and Horizon Europe Associated Countries, from various research and innovation areas (bottom-up approach). Supported researchers are doctoral candidates of any nationality. The Doctoral Networks can last for up to four years and can cover all areas of research. Each fellowship is between 3 and 36 months.

In the morning a thorough introduction on the excellence, impact and implementation criterion via interactive exercises will be provided. After the lunch a proposal will be discussed in smaller groups that has been evaluated by the European Commission in the past, guided by an experienced evaluator, trainer and the NCPs.

Our target audience for this event is limited to researchers willing to participate to a DN call as beneficiary and to support staff persons. As the attendance of such an event is limited, the registrations will be validated on a first come first served basis, respecting a minimum community balance.

Participation to this training is free, registration is mandatory and open until the 3rd of July. You have the possibility to write questions you might have at this stage in the registration form. Please take this opportunity, as all the questions raised beforehand will be addressed in the relevant parts of the training.


In case you would have any question, please do not hesitate to contact one of the organisers:

Nadège Ricaud

MSCA NCP Flanders:
Margot Beereboom

MSCA NCP Federal BE:
Max Schravendeel

Event Details
  • Introduction on the Excellence, Impact and Implementation evaluation criteria including interactive exercises

    Juliane Sauer, Oxygeneum

  • Sandwich lunch
  • Proposal reading and discussion led by an expert evaluator and a trainer
  • End of the training

Please fill in the registration form.

It would be useful to gather your questions in advance to allow a training that would better address your needs. You can pose them at the end of the registration form (in the “Questions and comments” box) and/or contact us later.

Event Details