After a first pilot within Horizon 2020 and only a few topics under Work Programmes 2021-2022, lump sum funding will be used on a broader scale for Horizon Europe calls from Work Programmes 2023 and 2024 (one third of the budget of pillar 2).
A webinar on lump sum funding in Horizon Europe has been organised recently by the European Commission. Through the workshop organized by the 3 NCP organisations listed in below, we offer you the possibility to hear from peers (coordinators and partners in on-going lump sum projects) the challenges they encountered and the solutions they found during proposal writing, project implementation and reporting. But at the same time, we invite you all to also share your experiences and/or to express the challenges you see in lump sum projects.
This workshop will take place in Brussels (on site only) on 12 January. Registration to this event is open until the 5th of January (we therefore encourage you to register before the Christmas holidays). The target public are staff members of federal or FWB organisations or of organisations located in Flanders. The organising National Contact Points (NCPs) reserve the right to decline any registration. Please note that the workshop will not include any detailed explanation of the rules. As a preparation for the event, we propose to watch the ~30 min presentation made by the Commission on 20 October: Lump Sum Funding in Horizon Europe: How does it work? How to write a proposal? (from 6:12 to 35:14). You can also find more information on the dedicated page of the Funding & Tenders Portal.
Do not hesitate to contact one of the organisers for any further information :
NCP Flanders
NCP Federal BE